Birdland began during a time when was recovering from an illness that overnight changed me from a 10 mile a day runner to a person who was unable to be on her feet for more than an hour at a time.  Thank goodness for cathedral ceilings and a home filled with windows.  I quickly discovered so much that I enjoyed when I was outdoors was right out the window.  I invested in some long lenses and my obsession began.  Everyday I spotted something new.  I learned so much from inside my home about birds, their behavior, the science behind their behavior, the CT birding community, and the conservationist in CT.  When I was strong enough, I went for hikes with my dog and eventually brought my kids along.  Each time, exploring a new part of the state I'd read about during my time inside.  Nearly 5 years later, I have studied birds and the world around them longer than I studied to become a lawyer!  The knowledge I have gained about birds, the environment, ethical birding and ethical photography, and hiking is enormous and can be used for good.  I've led many boards ands led many advocacy campaigns, so starting Birdland the organization is a natural progression.  Those that have supported the journey and have come to develop an appreciation for birds themselves are joining me.  There is much in store, much that we have already been doing, but now it will be under the umbrella of Birdland!  
This is a nonprofit organization.  All assets and earnings will be for the sole benefit of the organization and its mission.  Should the organization dissolve, all assets will be dissolved and distributed consistent with the mission- to preserve and expand bird habitats! 

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