Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers
Red-bellied Woodpeckers

Adult Male, evident by full red cap from beak to nape.

Fledgling male, his red cap is starting to come in.  When they fledge they are nearly the size of their parents! But, you quickly notice them at the feeders because they do not have the coordination you would see from a mature bird of that size- usually sliding off the the feeder and flapping about.  It usually isn't too long before one of the parents arrive to quiet the commotion.  

Mother and fledgling

Woodpeckers have barbs on their tongues to help retrieve insects and other nutrients from the holes they create.

Northern Flicker (yellow shafted)

The female lacks the black mustache.

Males have black mustache, otherwise, like the female they have a red crescent along their nape and yellow feathers under their wings and tails.

The fledglings are pretty adorable.  They are large for fledglings and have enormous beaks that are disproportionate to their bodies.  They are a darker hue, making it easier for them to blend in with their surroundings to hide from predators.

This fella was taking a dirt bath and appeared to be having a fun time doing so.

The fledglings blend in well with the wood they forage for food, with their darker plumage.

The flickers nest in large cavities.  They do not discriminate, if a suitable one exists, they are more than happy to move in.

Hairy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker

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